Shipping Policy

We charge a flat rate fee of $8.00 on all orders to USA in the lower 48.

We ship either UPS Ground shipping or U.S.P.S. Priority Mail on orders in the lower 48 United States.

If you need a specific type of shipping service please call in your order 1-800-222-3243

There is a minimum order of $10.00

Expedited UPS shipping is available to orders shipped to the lower 48 for additional fees. Please contact us by phone for any orders that require next day air, second day air or three day shipping.1-800-222-3243 prices vary

Shipping Policies to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Canada:

Usually we ship U.S.P.S. Priority to the above locations, however UPS Ground shipping is available to Alaska and Hawaii, for additional charges depending on weight. Please contact us for exact fees.


If you have any questions on shipping charges to these areas please contact us for a shipping quote. 1-800-222-3243

Approximate Shipping Times, Once you place your order it takes about 1 to 2 business days (M-F) to process and ship out.

U.S.P.S. Priority shipping 3-5 days delivery days Monday through Saturday

UPS ground shipping map shows the approximate shipping times in business days. Delivery Days Monday through Friday




